Friday, 7 February 2025

Leo the Thracian


Also on this day, in 457, Leo I 'the Thracian' became Eastern Roman Emperor. He was apparently placed on the throne by Aspar, a general who had played kingmaker for the past few decades. At first Leo was his puppet, but then turned the tables and had Aspar killed along with his eldest son, Ardabur.

Leo's 17-year reign was a mixed bag of successes and failures. The worst disaster was a naval expedition against the Vandals in 468, when his brother-in-law Basiliscus managed to lose the entire Roman fleet. Oops.

The emperor also issued an edict condemning army officers who practiced pagan sacrifice. Those of high rank were demoted and had their goods confiscated, while the lower ranks were tortured and condemned to labour in the mines.

Leo died in 474, aged 73, and is commemorated as a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church.

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